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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONПет Maр 17, 2017 1:14 pm 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONЧет Maј 19, 2011 2:20 pm
Хах, па кој луд очекува за 130€ да добие квалитет на MGS од 600€. :crazy:

CT Asterix & Obelix

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONПет Maр 17, 2017 10:06 pm 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONСаб Ное 13, 2010 9:30 am
Mmasinkata e nameneta za kasting I surf.za cenata odlicno mota.ne e za sekakva upotreba.ama onoj koj ima pari moze da si zeme set za frlanje

Rodjen da peca,Nateran da radi

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONНед Maр 26, 2017 7:21 pm 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONЧет Maј 19, 2011 2:20 pm
ВРВОТ, drag и non-drag...

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У Јапан, само 750€.

CT Asterix & Obelix

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONЧет Сеп 14, 2017 12:54 am 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONЧет Maј 19, 2011 2:20 pm
БУМ БУМ - ПА во Европа!

Weight: 505 grams
Transmission: 4.3: 1
Pickup speed: 103 cm per stroke
Line capacity: 0.35-550 mtr 0.40-400 mtr

Available from November 10, 2017

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Hagane Gear
The HAGANE Drive Gear is produced by Shimano's coldforging technology, without the need for additional machining. This delivers a longlasting smoothness, strength, lightness and power at the very heart of the reel. Traditional diecast, machined gears are less durable under heavy loads.

XShip is a combination of features that work together to create much greater efficiency. By positioning the pinion gear close to the centre line of the large diameter drive gear, more power is transferred from the handle to the rotor. The pinion gear is also supported by two Shimano ARB roller bearings. This creates more stability.

Hagane Body
The HAGANE Body is produced from highrigidity aluminium or magnesium. This creates stiffness and impact resistance, while at the same time eliminating flexing of the body. The result is a rocksolid housing and support for the moving internal gearing and greater efficiency throughout the reel.

The contact type triplelip structure is introduced to the roller clutch, the pivotal point concerning water resistance. In this structure, the first lip prevents water from entering through the space between the rotor and the body. In addition, the special grease between the second and third lip where it makes contact with the rotor collar located at the upper part of the roller clutch not only resists water from entering but also minimizes friction resistance. Without jeopardizing the 'silky smooth rotation capacity', the vital feature of STELLA SW, exceptional water resistance, has been achieved to withstand the crashing and splashing of waves and spray.

G Free Body
G Free Body technology has been developed to shift the reel's centre of gravity closer to the rod. This has been achieved by moving the oscillation mechanism 19mm from the bottom of the reel to the top. By moving the centre of gravity closer to the anglers hand position, the G Free Body helps to reduce fatigue and enhance casting comfort.

Hi-Speed Drag
The "Hi-Speed Drag" is the fastest drag function ever featured on a Shimano reel. Only a very small turn on the drag knob will transit the drag settings from 'free spool mode' to the 'fight mode'.

Parallel Body
The Parallel Body feature implicates that the spool is lined out parallel to the rod. This results in the reduction of line touching the rod and subsequently this increases the casting distance.

ARC Spool
Shimano ARC Spool is a patented spool design with an angled spool lip. This design enables the line to leave the spool with less friction and in smaller coils resulting in longer more accurate casts. ARC spools are proven to reduce backlash and wind knots when using braid.

CT Asterix & Obelix

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONЧет Сеп 14, 2017 7:20 am 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONСаб Ное 13, 2010 9:30 am
cena preku 300 eur. za mene toa e prav shimano. po specifikacija pojak od mag at xtb

Rodjen da peca,Nateran da radi

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONЧет Сеп 14, 2017 9:31 am 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONЧет Maј 19, 2011 2:20 pm
Во предпродажба на еден сајт норвешки цената е 450€.

CT Asterix & Obelix

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONЧет Сеп 14, 2017 10:37 am 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONПет Феб 18, 2011 11:50 pm
Za kvalitet ne mozam da zboruvam ama masinkava e ubava.

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONЧет Сеп 14, 2017 10:43 am 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONНед Јан 08, 2012 10:04 pm
ЛокацијаCOLONСкопје - Кисела Вода
На Спаива ваквите машинки фетиш му се :lol: :lol: :lol:

Često popričam sa samim sobom, ali nemo'š budali dokazati.
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Кон врв
 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONЧет Сеп 14, 2017 12:07 pm 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONЧет Maј 19, 2011 2:20 pm
Многу скапи...да идев на светско ќе си ги купев, вака шо ќе ми ги. :D

CT Asterix & Obelix

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: Крапски МАШИНКИ (општо)
ТемаИспратеноCOLONЧет Сеп 14, 2017 12:11 pm 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONНед Јан 08, 2012 10:04 pm
ЛокацијаCOLONСкопје - Кисела Вода
:lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: ШЕГОБИЕЦ :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol:

Često popričam sa samim sobom, ali nemo'š budali dokazati.
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